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Evan Reiter

BVA Members: Help Shape the Future of Flight Simulation Development

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Our friends at Navigraph are conducting the third annual FlightSim Community Survey, designed to gauge the prevailing flight simulation trends and users' requests for future development. They have asked us to share the survey link with interested parties.


The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete, so (as they suggest) grab your favorite drink before getting started!




During 9-25 of November 2018 Navigraph is conducting a FlightSim Community Survey together with several major addon developers and organizations within the flight simulation community. The survey, the third of its kind, aims to gauge the prevailing flight simulation trends and users' requests for future development.


Like previous years, this survey has an emphasis on the major flight simulators such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, Lockeed Martin Prepar3D and Laminar Research X-Plane, but does not assume that IFR is of primary interest. Furthermore, the survey has in depth questions regarding novelties such as Virtual Reality and Free Route Airspace. It also goes further into investigating the users' choices when selecting aircraft and scenery addons.


The results of the survey will be available to the developers and organizations participating to this survey on the 13th of December.


On the 17th of December the results will presented on https://www.navigraph.com/flightsimsurvey2018 but also by the addon developers and organizations participating to this survey to the extent they wish to do so.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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More than 15,000 respondents contributed which makes this survey the largest of its kind.




The typical flight simulator enthusiast is a 43 year old male from the United States. He flies simulators 2-3 times per week for about 5-10 hours in total and was introduced to flight simulation 20 years ago. There is a 27% likelihood he already has some sort of pilot license. If so, he was introduced to flight simulation before he pursued his pilot license. Moreover, he has a bachelor’s degree, is full time employed, makes 50,000 USD per year before tax, and spends about 250 USD on software and 200 USD on hardware annually. He prefers X-Plane 11, but Prepar3D v. 4 is also popular.


Very interesting.


Also glad to see that X-Plane won the popularity contest  ;D


  Cam Bruno (BN)

  Community Manager

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The typical flight simulator enthusiast is a 43 year old male from the United States. He flies simulators 2-3 times per week for about 5-10 hours in total and was introduced to flight simulation 20 years ago. There is a 27% likelihood he already has some sort of pilot license. If so, he was introduced to flight simulation before he pursued his pilot license. Moreover, he has a bachelor’s degree, is full time employed, makes 50,000 USD per year before tax, and spends about 250 USD on software and 200 USD on hardware annually. He prefers X-Plane 11, but Prepar3D v. 4 is also popular.

... and his name is Rob.


Seriously, within acceptable margins of error, they've described me nearly perfectly here, including the 73% chance that I have no real-world flying.


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