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Camden Bruno

Administration Team
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  1. All, We’re pleased to announce the release of an official Boston Virtual ARTCC paint scheme for the PMDG 737-800 for your use on Microsoft Flight Simulator, which can be downloaded here. @Sean Doyle (DY) designed this livery and has emphasized that this is a beta release with additional detailing and features to come at a later date. Years ago, DY had originally released a B738 BVA livery for Prepar3D. This new livery provides a modernized and refreshed look using vector graphics and a creative hexagon pattern on the tail. These liveries give our members an opportunity to fly throughout the network and within our airspace, showcasing their pride for our great community. When the original livery was released, members filed flight plans under the ICAO code "BVA" with the callsign 'Fenway' – we encourage you to carry on this legacy. If you choose to do so, please include “CALLSIGN FENWAY” within the remarks section of your flight plan. DY has expressed that in addition to this release that, as of right now, there are plans to create this livery for the following airframes: PMDG 737-800 BBJ2 iFly 737 MAX8 Fenix A320/A321 PMDG 777F (once released) There is no timeline for these additional variants. Should you have any questions or feedback, they can be sent to DY directly. Download here.
  2. Boston Virtual ARTCC (BVA) is excited to announce the introduction of a three-part "Pre-Flight Checks" series, as a precursor to BVAs Wings Over New England (WINGS) flights. These Pre-Flight Checks replace BVAs "Getting Started Guide", and offer a more hands-on and practical approach in assisting pilots with getting connected to VATSIM and beginning their online flying experience. The three-part series is targeted toward new members of our community, and outlines everything from making an account, configuring simulators, choosing callsigns, filing a flight plan, and more. All members who have completed at least one WINGS flight prior to this announcement will automatically receive credit for the Pre-Flight Checks. Click here to read more.
  3. Members, Following the removal of the Gardner (GDM) VOR, the GDM arrival into Boston Logan Airport (BOS) was decommissioned. Therefore, WINGS IFR 5 has been updated requiring participating pilots to route via ALB V146 CTR HFD ORW, and either the ORW# or WOONS# STAR. All WINGS material has been updated to reflect this change. Thank you to those of you who have reached out to bring this to our attention.
  4. Just after the conclusion of this event, BVA will be hosting a social event for BVA member pilots and controllers in the BVA TeamSpeak. For more information, please view this post.
  5. On May 18 at 7:30pm, just after Bradley Bash 2024 concludes, BVA will be hosting a social event for BVA member pilots and controllers in the BVA TeamSpeak. Take some time out of your evening to stop by, hangout, play trivia, and more. This social gathering does not involve on-frequency ATC and is simply an opportunity for pilots and controllers to spend time and get to know one another off-frequency! While the BVA TeamSpeak is more widely used by BVA controllers (as they use it for coordination), we want to remind our pilot members that it always has, and always will be, open to all BVA members as a social platform. See you on May 18 at 7:30pm.
  6. Starting March 1, 2024, the VATSIM United States Division (VATUSA) began trialing the use of real-world Common Traffic Advisory Frequencies (CTAF). This trial is set to last for up to 6 months. VATSIM has traditionally used a universal, network-wide "UNICOM" frequency of 122.8 for when air traffic control is offline. Instead, pilots flying within the United States who are not under ATC coverage should now review airport charts and/or the VATSIM AIP to identify the correct CTAF for their airport, and use that to communicate intentions within the airport area. When landing at an untowered airport—such as Windham Airport (KIJD) near Hartford—you would use the charted CTAF of 122.975 to communicate with other pilots. If you are landing a towered airport like Boston (KBOS) when no ATC is available, the published Tower frequency of 128.8 would be used. Enroute (i.e., once outside of the airport area), the standard 122.8 frequency would be used. More information, including locating the correct frequency for the airport you’re flying into, is available at vats.im/ctaf-trial. Since this change, a few detail-oriented BVA members have called attention to the fact that BVA's website, reference material, and documentation (including WINGS flights) still direct pilots to utilize "UNICOM." Due to the fact that VATSIM and VATUSA have advertised this change as a temporary, 6 month "trial", BVA will not be updating the aforementioned material to the reflect the use of CTAF. At the end of the trial, should the use of CTAF become a permanent procedure, all BVA material will be updated to align with same. What is CTAF? Common Traffic Advisory Frequencies (CTAF) are frequencies that are used at airports without an operating control tower (also called non-towered, uncontrolled, or pilot-controlled airports). A CTAF allows pilots to coordinate amongst themselves to ensure appropriate aircraft separation. Pilots will advise other aircraft on CTAF of their position and intentions. When a part-time tower closes, the airport reverts to using CTAF. More information from PilotInstitute, Thrust Flight. How is CTAF different from UNICOM? VATSIM has traditionally used the term UNICOM to indicate a common frequency (122.8) that all pilots are expected to utilize to coordinate intentions with other pilots. In the real world, UNICOM frequencies are used to communicate with non-ATC ground stations such as Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) at an airport. The correct terminology for the frequencies used by pilots to coordinate amongst themselves is CTAF. Does CTAF mean I don’t have to look out for other aircraft? No! It is important to remember that pilots in a given area will not all be on the same CTAF. It is critical to remain vigilant, use your resources, and keep your head out the window. Proper CTAF use is more important going into larger, busy airports, but it is still important to continue looking for other traffic. CTAF is a tool to coordinate with other pilots, but it does not replace a traffic scan. First priority is always to see and avoid other traffic, followed by using your tools such as ADS-B (on VATSIM this would be a map or your traffic display), third priority is CTAF.
  7. Congrats, NU! Very well deserved! Clif - Thank you for your years of dedicated, hard work to the community. We all appreciate you so much!
  8. Congrats on an amazing 8 years, WN. As Cam stated, you lead us through one of the most unique and challenging time periods we've ever experienced. You've had such a positive impact on so many member's lives and the community as a whole. We truly appreciate you, and thank you for everything.
  9. I don't think it has been done...but it's brilliant. +1
  10. Congrats! Don't accidentally identify yourself as 'Portland Ground' on the freq at work now...
  11. Krikor, Thank you for all you have done for this community in your years on the Administration Team. The amount of improvement you put into documentation, training files, facility files, and so much more made a huge impact on the realism of the ATC program. On top of your duties as a part of the A-Team, you've been a great friend and mentor/instructor to so many people. As you transition into more real-world instructing with your new CFI/II ratings, hopefully you'll be able to use some of the skills you learned as a part of your positions at BVA - I truly believe BVA teaches a lot of real-world lessons both related to aviation and just a variety of general skills. I really look forward to seeing how far you go in your real-world pursuits. I think I can speak for everyone in saying that you are one of the most dedicated people I've ever met. When you set your mind on something, you truly go all-in and learn every aspect/detail of that topic. You're one of the smartest people I know, and you're going to go very far. Best,
  12. Congrats on your S3 (2?) so you can control APP (TWR?)!
  13. Still salty about the fact that you closed on me when I was 50 miles out and coming to give you traffic tonight. But congrats, I guess.