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Mark Mayo

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Everything posted by Mark Mayo

  1. I would like to thank the entire BVARTCC Team for a most enjoyable, super-well attended event yesterday! It was great having so many options for "qualifying" flights! The professionalism of the BVARTCC Controllers is always greatly appreciated. Thanks for a fun Saturday!!
  2. Thanks Cameron for your detailed reply. I will be following your advice and installing the SunSkyJet scenery. My good friend, Mike Willey, has this installed in his computer and says that it is pretty good. It has been - in particular - difficult to follow the taxi instructions to 27L.... I've had to take my big jets over "some grass" to get to the directed holding point. Lately, I've just asked to pickup the runway a little further down. But as this will be my arrival in the upcoming CTP - I'm sure the controllers will have enough going on without having to direct me on taxiways to the gate or cargo area. Thanks again! MARK MAYO N49
  3. I couldn't get a good KBOS arrival for the upcoming CTP. So I'm headin' to Philly. Does anyone know of a good Payware Scenery for KPHL. My taxiways in P3d do not match the Airport Diagram. Thanks, Mark Mayo N49
  4. Due to unexpected circumstances - this Flight planned for this Saturday - will now happen on the following Saturday, May 1st. Same time, same Flight Plan. Should be fun - hope you can join me! MARK MAYO
  5. As this will be the first time that I have not gotten a booking in the CTP - I still want to participate in the Joy of the Day. Or TDI, if you will. I've never actually flown a Cross-America flight, so if any BVA'ers wish to join me, I'll depart KBDL-KLAX on Saturday, April 24 at 17:30Z I believe that KBDL will be controlled at that time. JetBlue actually has such a flight. FLIGHT PLAN: DCT VEERS DCT PWL DCT IGN Q480 CANDR J60 DJB DCT KG66M DCT KK57G DCT KD48Y DCT JASSE Q90 DNERO ANJLL4 Hope you'll join me! Bring a snack. MARK MAYO
  6. What an Amazing Event last night was.... you guys must truly be exhausted. Probably the largest number of incoming flights into KBOS ever.... (I believe that the CTP is more staggered?) Although I was unable to complete my flight - being in a lengthy hold over PONCT and having to walk my dog - it was amazing to see all the action. Glad to be part of it. Mark Mayo N49
  7. You all do such an amazing job. I thank you. Mark Mayo N49
  8. My sincere thanks to all of you who give so much to all of us that we can reliably come around and fly under your experienced supervision. I never take the efforts and skills that you guys provide for granted. Much appreciated. Good luck to those filling new positions and thanks to those who've given us so many hours of their time. MARK MAYO N49
  9. Thank you Camden. Not only did you perform with great expertise and confidence - you were also very patient with people like me when I first joined, and had so little knowledge of how to participate correctly. Thank you for all of your work! Mark Mayo N49
  10. HI - I would really love this BOOKING if possible. Kindly let me know how to "take it" if still available! Mark Mayo N49
  11. I am really sorry to read all of this.... What a mess - and I'm sure it's eaten up a ton of the BVA Admins time! Sucks. All I can do to help is send a few bucks to offset potential legal fees. By the way - are we now with the VATSIM Server, and that's why we don't need GalaxyVisions any longer? Mark Mayo N49