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Francis Dube

Staff Announcement: Training Administrator

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After nearly 3 years as our Training Administrator at ZBW. Mike Willey (WY) has stepped down due to real world commitments that have reduced his time availability. We obviously thank Mike for his commitment to the position over the last 3 years and look forward to his continued controlling and training with us as an instructor.


With the position opened up and his experience coordinating training efforts at BVA, Evan Reiter (RT) has been selected to succeed Mike and take the position effective immediately. Evan's knowledge of the system we want to implement and his abilities as a controller make him a great fit for this position and I look forward to him excelling a this position.


Please join me in congratulating Evan and thanking Mike for their commitment to our training programs past, present, and future.

Francis Dube (DB)



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Mike, we can't thank you enough for your commitment and dedication to the position of TA over the past few years. You did a superb job and I look forward to continuing to work with you as both a controller and instructor.


Evan, congrats on the new position! Great to have you onboard and I look forward to the future and what it will hold. Since you're my supervisor now, does that mean I have to call you "sir"?


  Cam Bruno (BN)

  Community Manager

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I really appreciate RT taking on this role as I was not able to give it the time it deserved.  I am planning to continue participating with our new group and thank everybody for all the work getting both groups together!!



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Mike, it was great to have your leadership in the role, and on the senior staff.  You've done a fantastic job, and the facility is much better off for it. 


Evan, all the best for luck and success.  You're a great educator and leader, and will do quite well, I'm sure of it!

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Congratulations Evan! I'm very happy to see your continuing dedication, in all areas where you always show excellence!  :)

Gilles | CYUL | Founder of the "TANGO SQUADRON" - BVA member since July 31st 2008



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It is a pleasure and honor to be following in the footsteps of WY as ZBW's new Training Administrator. I am excited to begin working with VATSIM’s finest controllers on ensuring this ARTCC continues to make excellence routine. I am also delighted to see that WY is planning to remain an active member of our training staff. 


As you know, the Project Vector Team has been working diligently on creating the Standard Operating Procedures and ATC Handbook that are now available on the Controller Resources page of the website. We plan to continue those efforts by reviewing and updating our facility's exams where required and reviewing the Training SOP. In the next few days, we will be combining the training requests sections of the forums, and introducing a unified process for training requests for all controllers.


As we've mentioned on a few occasions, controllers won't ever have to re-do any training or exams. All certifications and ratings remain valid. While there a few new items in the SOPs (e.g., Pilot Ratings Program), the majority of the updates to the SOPs reflect additions that explain how we're already doing things.


Thank you again to WY for his past and continued dedication to training here at ZBW. I look forward to working with him, and the rest of our staff, in the future.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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