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Austin Cirulli

Air Traffic Controllers
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Everything posted by Austin Cirulli

  1. Routes will be posted here after the routes planning meeting tomorrow. Please check this thread if you plan on departing from Europe, please check back prior to departing for route information.
  2. CTP Westbound is coming up quickly, and we need your help to ensure Boston is chosen as an arrival field for the event. Please head to the Cross The Pond website to cast your vote before March 7th at 7:59 pm ET (2359Z). Go checkout the event posting we made earlier for a bit more background on the event, and go ahead and share our Facebook post.
  3. We need your help to vote KBOS as an arrival airport for Cross the Pond 2020 Westbound! Voting is open until March 7th. To vote: Go to vats.im/ctp. Click 'Login' at the top, and login using your VATSIM CID and password. Once logged in, click 'Vote' at the top of the page. Choose a departure field, select Boston as your arrival airport, and click "Submit Vote". Cross The Pond is VATSIM's largest event; thousands of pilots and controllers get together to fly and control it. The event will be held on April 4th, beginning at 1100z (7am ET). Virtually the entire east coast of the U.S. is typically staffed along with Western Europe and Oceanic ATC. But we need your help: we'll only be selected as an arrival field if we get the votes for it. Vote now and help ensure we are selected as one of the U.S. arrival airports for the event.
  4. Congrats KY! See you on the network!
  5. Good catch! I've talked with the VATUSA guys and they're fixing it.
  6. No Wind, nor Gusts can keep this tower controller from pushing tin. With a packed pattern and a string of arrivals, WG was able to keep the traffic flowing at good 'ole PWM. Please join me in crongratulating our newest S2 controller on his cert!
  7. Like Evan said, it's a great way to meetup and enjoy a weekend of "nerding out" with your fellow BVA members. Personally, with the ability to share a room, and the Vegas airfare being more reasonable than most other cities, I think this year's event is a great opportunity to attend. Even if you don't plan on buying anything, there's a ton of developer seminars, booths, and contests you can experience while there. Also, if you want to get involved, a really fun way to get involved with the event is to volunteer during the event (some people do it only part of the time).
  8. CTP Eastbound is coming up quickly, and we need your help to ensure Boston is chosen as a departure field for the event. Please head to the Cross The Pond website to cast your vote before September 21st at 1959ET (2359Z). Go checkout the event posting we made earlier for a bit more background on the event, and go ahead and share our Facebook post.
  9. Boston Virtual ARTCC has been asked by VATSIM leadership to host the one of the final beta tests for the new voice codec. This test will be be performed in ZBW airspace on Wednesday, September 4 from 1900-2300 ET (2300-0300 Z). We will be opening Boston, Bradley, and Nantucket airports while providing enroute services through Boston Center. The Development Team wants to break their previous maximum connections record of roughly 325 clients before releasing to the general public. If you wish to participate in the event, you will need to express interest through the Audio for VATSIM Beta Website. They will be accepting new beta testers up to about one day prior to the event. This is an exciting opportunity for to the community, and we hope that everyone can join us on Wednesday night!
  10. Go post this under the controllers' forums in the event planning section. This is where we announce events.
  11. Dear colleagues, friends, and other random people on the internet, It is my extreme pleasure to present to you our newest addition to the BVA Class C Del/Gnd S1 squad, mister KT. He weathered an ironically busy VFR day at PWM, re-routing planes and keeping all the problem pilots under control (looking at you Mr. DCT to JFK, Default GPS, 3000'). It was great working with KT, and I'm excited to finally have the chance to work with him on the network. He comes to BVA with a wealth of experience as a helicopter pilot (we seem to have a growing community of these rotor-heads!). Please, put all your hands together, then apart again, and then back together in rapid succession to greet our new S1 controller!
  12. It is my pleasure to announce that Chessie Newbold (ND) has passed his S1 Checkout! Never Did he falter as the Numerous Departures and somewhat Nuisance of an annoying Delta pilot tried to create Neverending Disasters. He was able to Nullify the Delays and got all the airplanes out expeditiously and safely. Congrats and please welcome our Newest Delivery/ground controller ND!
  13. Congrats PS! I say we have a Cam-Off to see who gets to keep the name, and who is relegated to their OI. Us Austin's are at a mutual truce for now, but I fear we may have to duke it out in the near future. This would be a great opportunity to see how we'd run such a gladiatorial event.
  14. Please Dispense ample praise for our newest Class C Ground controller, PD! Jeff knocked his OTS at PWM out of the park tonight, and we even were fortunate enough (and somewhat forced to by the sweatbox server) to have a great on-network session at ACK to round off the evening's training festivities. From helicopters going VFR into indefinite ceilings to Szymon in a TBM going GPS Direct to JFK; Jeff handled everything like a champ. PD, welcome to the team, and see you on the network! (I'm not sure English has words with P and D together, so I apologize for my lack of puns here.)