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Nathan Rankin

Administration Team
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Everything posted by Nathan Rankin

  1. Congrats ME! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Amazing accomplishment! Congrats!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Please join me in congratulating our newest C APP controller Taylor Radke (RK)! RK dominated the Sweatbox at Providence facing an onslaught of JORDN and WIPOR arrivals and ventured through Wiggin's Hell and back, emerging with only minor scratches. Welcome to the radar room, and may the vector gods protect your localizers!
  4. Nice work PS! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Please join me in congratulating our newest C TWR controller Case Tatro (TO)! TO did an excellent job working a busy scenario at PWM including pattern work aircraft, a steady stream of IFR arrivals, and pesky go arounds. Keep up the great work and enjoy your new rating!
  6. Congrats RK! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Please join me in congratulating our newest C APP controller Jacob September (JS)! JS did a great job managing more traffic than he sees in a year at SPI within the cramped confines of PVD's TRACON. I'm certain VATSIM's traffic won't be getting "vectors through the localizer for controller incompetence" under the watchful eye of JS. Congrats, enjoy working radar, and may the vector gods bless your localizer!
  8. Please join me in congratulating our newest B GND controller Alfonso Martinez (AZ)! Alfonso did a great job applying his SOP knowledge to a very difficult OTS session with numerous reroutes, WINGS flight approvals, and prop departures in every direction. Congrats and enjoy your new rating!
  9. Nice work BY! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Please join me in congratulating our newest S2 Jack Levine (LV)! Jack did an excellent job applying theory to two very difficult sessions at PWM and ACK that tested his ability to sequence VFR arrivals, splice long departure and arrival streams, and correctly define "cleared for the option" (don't forget about stop-and-goes!). Congrats and enjoy your new rating!
  11. Please join me in congratulating our newest S2 Adam DeVita (DA)! Adam came prepared for every Sweatbox session and expertly handled a tricky OTS scenario complete with pattern bombing and long sequences of IFR arrivals and departures. Well done and enjoy your new rating!