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Samuel Bolvin

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Everything posted by Samuel Bolvin

  1. Everyone congratulate Elias Schanz on his recent rise to the rank of a fully certified Boston Tower controller. SC put on a model performance in the sweatbox during a busy 27/22 session and has proved he has what it takes to bail out RQ's bad final spacing work events events as Boston Tower. On a more serious note I've had SC for both his student tower training and his full certification training and he has always proved to be a solid student that works hard inside and outside the training environment. Congrats SC. Looking forward to seeing what you do with radar training!
  2. Huge Conga Rats being sent your way ME, watch out they bite! Nicely done!
  3. Everyone join me in congratulating our brand new shiny fully certified Boston Tower control Bret Smithling (SG)! SG made a challenging OTS look easy and earned his certification. Looking forward to what SG will do later on in his training in the dark (or dimly lit) room.
  4. Everyone congratulate Patrick Curtain (CU) on his achievement of his full certification for BOS_TWR! He's demonstrated his ability to fix RQ's spacing on final work high traffic loads in an efficient and professional manor. Good work CU and congratulations!
  5. Everyone congratulate Brian Rucinski (RU) on the completion of his S1 training! RU came to every session well studied and ready to learn. I'm excited to see what he'll do moving forward at BVA!