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Camden Bruno

BVA's Newest Air Traffic Manager

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I am honored and excited to announce that, as of today, I have been appointed and am taking over as Air Traffic Manager of Boston Virtual ARTCC.


Please join me in thanking Francis Dube (DB) for all he has done over the past year and a half. His dedication, passion, hard work, and loyalty will never be forgotten. We look forward to having him continue as an instructor and controller for the ARTCC and, as always, are excited to have him continue his tradition of being on CAPE18 for Cross the Pond. Dube, without your work and accomplishments, the ARTCC would not be where it is today.


For those of you who do not know me, I have been a member of BVA for over 2 years and was a member of the Project Vector Team during the merger. Throughout these past years, I have achieved all of my certifications and have been a part of the training staff for a year and a half. Additionally, I was previously the Events Coordinator for the ARTCC. Since the merger, I had retired that position and had moved into a Training Supervisor role, assisting Evan (RT) with training documentation, student/instructor assignments, and more. Considering I am a native of the Boston area, my love for the airspace comes naturally. Other than Oakland Oceanic, I have not yet visited or controlled any other facility in the nation, primarily because I don’t have the desire and nothing would compare to Boston.


As far as the real-world goes, I am a Private Pilot (ASEL) and am now in training for my instrument rating and on track to achieve a major in Aviation Science with a minor in Criminal Justice. I also work for a local police department in the position of social media specialist.


I am very fortunate to have been selected for this position and am very excited to work with my fellow administrators to maintain BVAs tradition of excellence in the area of Air Traffic Control. By working together and utilizing our previous experience and knowledge, I believe we can accomplish anything put in front of us. Some of the most important aspects of any management group are to be able to work in a team environment, possess energy and commitment, to lead by example, and have a sense of understanding, patience, maturity, and restraint. Our administration team exceeds these expectations and I look forward to maintaining BVAs reputation while bringing new ideas to the table and constantly progressing as a community and ARTCC.


For those of you who do know me, you know that I have an open-door policy. That said, I want to reinforce said policy as I transition into this new position. Please do not be afraid to express any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions you may have at any point in time. You can reach me by emailing me at camdenb@bvartcc.com, private messaging me on the forum, or speaking to me on TeamSpeak.


I look forward to serving as your new Air Traffic Manager and will see you on the scopes or in the sky.


Thank you,


  Cam Bruno (BN)

  Community Manager

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It has been a pleasure working with DB over the past few months. His leadership, guidance, and particularly GRP knowledge has helped lead our organization through some challenging yet exciting changes. He contributed well beyond expectations to that project and many others, helping us become the organization we are today. I'm very glad to see that DB has agreed to continue to be part of our administration, attend our meetings, and help us plan big events like CTP.


I am looking forward to working closely with BN as our organization's newest ATM. BN brings a wealth of experience with the organization and VATSIM to the role. He's an active controller and very active participant of the VATUSA and VATSIM forums. In addition to being "tapped in" to the world of VATSIM, he has proven his maturity and creativity over the past few months acting as our Training Supervisor, managing the training program and ensuring students and mentors are working well together.


I believe BN as the leadership, professionalism, and maturity to continue to lead the ATC side of our organization, and to act as a member of the leadership team for the community as a whole. I look forward to working with him as we continue to build one of VATSIM's best ARTCC's here at BVA.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Congratulations BN! You're dedication to this group as been outstanding, and you have brought much to the ARTCC. Looking forward to working with you even more, seems like just yesterday we were in the sweatbox on PWM_GND!

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Guest PG

DB-- thanks so much!


BN-- welcome to the role, and best of luck!

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BN, I thank you for being willing to step up and take on the role of Air Traffic Manager. I know you will excel in the role and I am looking forward to continuing on as a controller and instructor here.


I also want to thank everyone who has helped me in the last several years in my many different roles. As unfortunate as it is that my availability has dropped off, you all have helped keep things rolling and I have nothing but respect and appreciation for all that you all have done for me and for ZBW/BVARTCC. I am excited to see where things will continue to go with this merged community that will only continue to thrive.


Again, thank you to every one of the staff members, controllers, and pilots who have wished me nothing but well. I promise I will not be too far away.

Francis Dube (DB)



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It's fantastic to see the fine tradition of excellence continuing through exceptional leadership.  DB, you did a fine job and can be proud of your accomplishments, helping to mint some outstanding controllers, put on world-class events, and help lead a first-ever, world-class merger of giants-of-excellence.  BN, you had a tremendous role in all of that, and I have no doubt will lead this world-class organization to greater heights.  It's truly wonderful to see exceptional leadership in an exceptional organization.  We look forward to even greater things.  Good luck, God bless, and God speed!  Onwards and upwards!

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