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Austin Cirulli

9/4/19 1900-2300 ET - AFV βETA TEST

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Boston Virtual ARTCC has been asked by VATSIM leadership to host the one of the final beta tests for the new voice codec.


This test will be be performed in ZBW airspace on Wednesday, September 4 from 1900-2300 ET (2300-0300 Z).


We will be opening Boston, Bradley, and Nantucket airports while providing enroute services through Boston Center.


The Development Team wants to break their previous maximum connections record of roughly 325 clients before releasing to the general public. If you wish to participate in the event, you will need to express interest through the Audio for VATSIM Beta Website. They will be accepting new beta testers up to about one day prior to the event.


This is an exciting opportunity for to the community, and we hope that everyone can join us on Wednesday night!

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Thank you BVA for hosting this Beta Test. As a clarification, interested persons need to apply to be a part of the beta if they have not yet. All persons will need to hit the “express interest” button once logged into the Audio for VATSIM Beta website. We will be approving all those who express interest at some point Tuesday evening.

Matt Bartels - MT

Vice President - Marketing & Communication

VATSIM Board of Governors

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FYI. During tonight’s updates I lost my ability to approve people to the beta so approvals will be delayed until Wednesday morning. Thank you for your patience.

Matt Bartels - MT

Vice President - Marketing & Communication

VATSIM Board of Governors

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I presume those approved will receive emails telling them that ??  I was late requesting (Tuesday morning) but still would like to be part of the test and fly in the test tonight..


MIke (WY)



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I hope it's okay to post a question here related to the new AFV sound stand alone prgm. I was able to install the program fine and was even able to log in and hear everyone talking. I tuned into clearance and could hear the controller 5 by 5. The only problem I had and could not figure out was assigning the PTT Button. I'm probably the only one who had this problem, but when I clicked on the button which said assign PPT, it assigned button #25 on my yoke. However, I did not choose this, it assigned it on it's own. And I tried every single button on the yoke, which non of them actually activated the mic. If i un-assigned the button, then the mic was hot and could not be turned off. Every time I pushed the assign ptt button, the same button on the yoke came up. Normally you would get a window to pop up and once you press a button it would acknowledge  the correct button. I could not join the discord Ch for some reason, which is the other reason I'm posting this question.  Anyway, hopefully someone else using X-Plane and SQB knows how to correct this. Thanks. 


David Cross

FDX3171 OR N1399

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16 hours ago, Evan Reiter said:

Dave, have you tried running the AFV program "as administrator"? 

Thanks. I just tried that and that didn't help the situation. I ended up filing a Bug report and I was advised through email, that others are having simular issues with certain hardware not allowing ( I guess my yoke is included / CH Eclipse Yoke ) to assign a mapped button or key. So with that knowledge I unplugged my Yoke and attempted to assign the PTT to another Button on my throttle Quadrant. That seamed to work.  So once I assigned the button to the Trl Quad, I re-plugged in my yoke and I think that will work now. I guess I'll find out the next time this system is used : ). 

Thanks for the quick reply. Hopefully others who have the CH Eclipse Yoke will benefit from this topic. 


David Cross

FDX3171 OR N1399

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I had a similar issue with my Thrustmaster Warthog throttle setup.  I needed to go through calibration and verify that all buttons/switches were in the neutral position (off or center).  After that I was able to assign the PTT to whatever I wanted.

This does not occur with the older vPilot client.


Rich Bonneau (BU)

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The devs will be fixing the standalone client (and the new xpilot client) so that it works the same way as vPilot for PTT device detection.


The Warthog (and the Rhino) has a different issue where sometimes it is constantly sending button presses, and this makes it so that you can't choose the button that you want for PTT because it always immediately detects the button that the driver is constantly pressing automatically. I will be releasing a fix for this in the next vPilot version. (Both the normal and the AFV versions.)

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Anyone know when the merge will take place? Ie when will this new sound code be the new norm? Although I guess we can continue to use now as long as there are controllers & pilots on line...



David Cross

FDX3171 OR N1399

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They haven't given a release date, although they are targeting a release before Cross the Pond, so that would imply it will happen soon. When the new codec is released, it will replace the current sound system and yes, will become the new norm.


Except for special events like the one we held this week, BVA/ZBW controllers won't be staffing on the AFV beta server or using the new codec. And, at this time, we don't have any events scheduled using the new software.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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On 9/7/2019 at 1:15 PM, Evan Reiter said:

They haven't given a release date, although they are targeting a release before Cross the Pond, so that would imply it will happen soon. When the new codec is released, it will replace the current sound system and yes, will become the new norm.


Except for special events like the one we held this week, BVA/ZBW controllers won't be staffing on the AFV beta server or using the new codec. And, at this time, we don't have any events scheduled using the new software.

Thanks for the info. 

David Cross

FDX3171 OR N1399

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