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Clif Whitten

Open Letter to the BVA Community

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Team Boston,


As many of you are aware, this year will mark the conclusion of my time as a member of the Administration Team. Serving as an administrator within this organization over the past 8 years has been an incredible honor and privilege. When I first joined ZBW in 2008, I could never have foreseen the profound impact this organization would have on my life. I am deeply grateful for the experiences and enduring friendships that have emerged from this journey. My departure from the A-Team does not signify my departure from BVA. I am committed to remaining an active part of the community as both a pilot and controller, with a renewed focus on dedicating more time to these roles.


The Air Traffic Manager position is posted and pinned in this thread. The A-Team is working diligently to adhere to an ambitious timeline for hiring and onboarding my successor, with the target start date of December 1st. Applications are due by September 2nd.  In the interim, I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities to the fullest extent. As we move through the hiring process, we will be reaching out to our membership for volunteers who wish to participate in this pivotal selection process. Please keep an eye out for forthcoming announcements.


Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every member of our community. It is your unwavering dedication that truly defines BVA as an exceptional organization. I am immensely proud to have had the privilege of leading you over the past 5 years.


Warmest regards,


Clif Whitten (WN)

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The community has be extremely fortunate to have had you at the helm for that past 5 years. You have helped navigate the A-Team through one of the most difficult periods the network has faced with the influx of new community members and controllers. I am appreciative of your mentoring and friendship over the past few years since joining the staff. I look forward to seeing you on the scopes and in the air more. 


More importantly - thank you for all that you’ve done for this community. That debt can not be repaid. 



- PS



Cameron Peterson

Events Coordinator
Administration Team

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Congrats on an amazing 8 years, WN. As Cam stated, you lead us through one of the most unique and challenging time periods we've ever experienced. You've had such a positive impact on so many member's lives and the community as a whole. We truly appreciate you, and thank you for everything.


  Cam Bruno (BN)

  Community Manager

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Very few members understand the behind-the-scenes work the ATC leadership does for our community, and the ATM leads that show. Clif, thank you so much for stepping up when we needed you the most, and keeping your foot on the pedal ever since. There were times when the future of BVA as we know it was very much in question, and both for my own personal reasons and for the good of the community, I'm so happy you've kept a steady hand on the wheel to keep moving us all forward. 


While I know you won't be gone, you will be missed.


On 8/14/2023 at 11:20 AM, Don Desfosse said:

and we are all SO grateful!

 Looks like you misspelled "DO" there @Don Desfosse.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Thank you for an amazing 8 years of leadership. As stated before, you have guided the community through times which others would have faltered but in which you thrived and the community thrived for it. Thank you for being a dedicated, trustworthy mentor to all of us, especially those who worked with you on the A-Team. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the administration so I could give back to the community so much that it has given me, and thank you for keeping me steady and focused during my time as Training Administrator. Your leadership and care should be the standard for all of us to follow.

Most importantly, thank you being the best roomie anyone could ever ask for. We're still going to be roomies... right?

Looking forward to all the time you are promising to spend with us controlling and flying! I will definitely not be keeping track of your time in TeamSpeak 🙂

Your roomie (and better still be),




Jamsheed Lovelace

ATC Instructor 

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Clif, thank you for your contributions to VATUSA as ZBW ATM!  I have enjoyed working with you over the years and meeting you in person at FS Expo.  Enjoy retirement!

Mani Manigault

RVP, Americas


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