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Jamsheed Lovelace

ATC Training Staff
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Everything posted by Jamsheed Lovelace

  1. HUGE CONGRATS, NU! You're going to do a wonderful job, and I look forward to what BVA will become under your leadership! But Clif remains my permanent roomie. Sorry.
  2. Clif, Thank you for an amazing 8 years of leadership. As stated before, you have guided the community through times which others would have faltered but in which you thrived and the community thrived for it. Thank you for being a dedicated, trustworthy mentor to all of us, especially those who worked with you on the A-Team. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the administration so I could give back to the community so much that it has given me, and thank you for keeping me steady and focused during my time as Training Administrator. Your leadership and care should be the standard for all of us to follow. Most importantly, thank you being the best roomie anyone could ever ask for. We're still going to be roomies... right? Looking forward to all the time you are promising to spend with us controlling and flying! I will definitely not be keeping track of your time in TeamSpeak Your roomie (and better still be), Me
  3. Just in time for the fake Tea Party event! Congrats!
  4. There's a good reason why we don't.