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Camden Bruno

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Everything posted by Camden Bruno

  1. Welcome to the staff, MM! Great to have you aboard.
  2. Interesting. I honestly have almost never experienced this. But yes very true, enforcing getting the ATIS is always a good thing. Might just be one of those "handle our own way" situations as you mentioned. Hope my input helped though, thanks Ross! :D
  3. Depends on the situation. Let's say it was someone coming in on the ROBUC1, 22L transition like you said: BOS_APP: AAL332, descend via the ROBUC1 arrival, runway 22L transition. The Boston altimeter 2992" *...as he approaches TAALE... BOS_APP: AAL332, depart TAALE heading 040, then descend maintain 3000, vectors for the visual approach runway 22L" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ But lets say he was on the ROBUC1, 4R transition. I'd honestly just give him the transition then call the field at his 12 o'clock and 15 miles, tell him to report it in sight, then clear him for the visual. Technically its on him to check the ATIS in the first place but worst that happens is that he requests the ILS and if it's too last minute then I re-sequence him. Again, haven't really ever had a problem with this though. Which is a good thing because more and more pilots are comfortable with visuals and other types of approaches.
  4. This phraseology has never done so in the real-world and virtual. Even on VATSIM, pilots have always been expected to get the ATIS which will include this information. From what I've experienced, when pilots don't get the ATIS, they pretty much always expect the ILS. If you ever take them off the arrival or give them a "depart FIX heading XXX" you could also include "vectors for the [iLS/visual/etc.] approach" for further clarification. Have never experienced problems with this, though.
  5. Congrats to Rafael Alarcon (AN) for breezing through training and passing his Class C/D Ground OTS today! Time to climb up those steps and gain some experience in the cab! Good luck, have fun, and keep up the great work.
  6. Congrats, MM! Awesome job. Now is when you get to sit back and relax. You're always learning, however, you're officially done with training!
  7. LN, fantastic job. The amount of hours and work have put in have paid off and I have seen a lot of improvement. You have handled the traffic loads very well these past few days and it has proved to us you deserve this. Keep up the great work,
  8. Thanks guys, really appreciate it. And thank you to everyone within the ZBW community and all of those who I have become close with, who got me to where I am today, and continuously encourage me to take the next step. I?m extremely excited to take on the role of Events Coordinator and am very glad to see MR and DB step up the ladder. Additionally, I am looking forward to bringing ZBW a lot of new events with a lot of variety in the near future. As MR and DB stated, we are striving to improve communication and coordination between the upper staff and the rest of our controllers, neighboring facilities, pilots, and more. If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Last but certainly not least, speaking of communication, please be sure to let me know of any event ideas you have, as your input is key! Again, thank you everyone for your kind words of congratulations. I look forward to the future as your new EC, as I see a lot of great things coming to ZBW. MOCHA HAGoTDI,
  9. Speaking of promotions, DB you might wanna change you signature ;) :P
  10. Congrats MR! Very excited for what's to come in the future. I know you'll do great things.
  11. Very well said, DB. Can't tell you how excited I am for the future of this ARTCC and I couldn't be happier that you were chosen for the position. Congrats man,
  12. ATTENTION ALL PILOTS: The Cross the Pond 2014 Eastbound Pilot Briefing (Revision #2) for pilots departing from Boston Logan Intl Airport (KBOS) is now available and attached to this post. It can also be accessed on the Cross the Pond website under the pilot area. Don't be afraid to contact us with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions. Most importantly, see you on the 25th! EDIT: Final Draft Attached
  13. Can't thank you all enough. Thank you to the ZBW community and especially the training staff (DB, WY, DO, MR, DA, BI, and KK) who got me to where I am today. Additionally, I'd like to thank all who have encouraged me along the way such as KZ, PG, all of the previously listed training staff, and many more. Feels so great to finally be officially done with training and I consider this a major (somewhat strange), but a very great transition in the vATC world. Again, thank you everyone for your kind words of congratulations. I look forward to dedicating more time to training students rather than receiving the training! MOCHA HAGoTDI, P.S. KZ, i'll try to avoid "being right back" the best I can lol
  14. Please join me in congratulating Alec Liberman (LN) for pushing some tin and not only achieving his Class C/D DEL/GND certification yesterday, but acing the VATUSA S1 exam as well. This is especially good news for MB seeing that he has been looking for someone to staff up KALB recently. I urge you to use caution when entering some of the C/D cabs as they have been vacant for quite some time now. Might want to do some cleaning before you begin to control. In all seriousness, great job and keep up the hard work. Onward and upward,
  15. VERY excited. Can't thank you enough for your hard work and dedication, DA. Means a lot to all of us.
  16. Sweet! Congrats, everyone! Let's show 'em what ZBW is made of. Do we want to have MR create an event thread on the event planning page so we can start planning way in advance?
  17. Awesome job, PG. It's been fantastic watching you continue onward and upward through the ranks and certifications. Keep it up, only a couple more exams to take
  18. Congrats RH! Fantastic and very impressive job overall. Can't wait to watch you progress up the ranks. You can blame PG for the majority of the grime in BDL ATCT, that was his home for quite a while.
  19. Congrats, PG! Very impressed with your progression as both a controller and a staff member. We are expecting lots of fantastic things to come in the near future. Onwards and upwards,
  20. Fantastic job tonight, glad that KZ and I had the opportunity to monitor you and make this decision. Center, A90, and our surrounding ARTCC's had nothing to complain about in regards to altitudes, routes, etc. which is a very good thing ;) Keep up the great work and you'll go far! Onwards and upwards,
  21. Be sure to congratulate Clif Whitten (WN) for not only stopping by the radar room yesterday to pass his Class C APP OTS, but also passing his VATUSA S3 (Senior Student) exam with a score of 100! WN was able to work through everything from departures, 3 streams of IFR arrival traffic, pesky VFR flight followings, and last but certainly not least those wonderful satellite arrivals. Towards the end of the session, ACSIM randomly decided to crash making all of the aircraft go "poof", however, we were able to move into the oral test evaluation standards (which WN aced as well). Again, give it up for WN for his truly outstanding performance!
  22. Thank you, gents. Weird to be completely done with written controller exams but fantastic to be up to the Enroute/C1 level. Now time to get some hours on as Center and get some experience!