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Camden Bruno

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Everything posted by Camden Bruno

  1. Uh oh, the big guy is back in town! Lol, but in all seriousness, this is fantastic to hear. Great to have you back on staff, DO.
  2. Thank you everyone for your kind words of congratulations and encouragement. Great to finally be up to the full A90 level, looking forward to whats to come in the future. Lastly, thank you to the mentors and instructors that helped get me to this level, obviously couldn't have done it without you!
  3. LOL, this is great. Fantastic job, PR. As I said earlier, looking forward to controlling with you in the near future. Good luck and see you on the network!
  4. Congrats, HA! It was a pleasure controlling with you, as well as the rest of the crew. I had a fantastic time tonight and can say you definitely, 100% earned and deserve the cert. Congrats again, enjoy center during the on-peak times!
  5. Congrats, PG! Looking forward to some Bradley staff-up's soon.
  6. Congrats to DA, looking forward to the improvements in the future. Great job with everything you have contributed to so far. KK, thank you for your dedication and work for the past three years.
  7. Congrats to Scott McGregor (MG) for passing both his Class C/D Tower OTS yesterday as well as his VATUSA S2 exam! Time to climb up those steps and gain some experience as head of the tower cab! Good luck, have fun, and keep up the great work.
  8. Congrats to Erik Partridge (PG) for earning his full KBOS ground certification earlier today. He was able to catch all of my tricks all while dealing with a very large amount of sweatbox traffic. Everything from helicopter traffic to transatlantic clearances, Erik was able to handle it all calm and confidently. Keep up the fantastic work, you're going far.
  9. Congrats, Scott! Looking forward to controlling with you. See you on the scopes,
  10. Fantastic to hear! Last few weeks have been full of certs and promotions. Lets keep it up everyone!
  11. HA! Oh yeah, those B58's were great. Congrats Mike, sorry I couldn't make it for the full event but for the hour I was on, you did a fantastic job. Keep it up.
  12. Congrats gentlemen! Awesome job and thank you.
  13. Congrats and awesome job, KZ! Let me know when you want to staff up the Class Charlie's ;)
  14. Fantastic job and congrats, PG! Great to have you. See you in the cab soon 8)
  15. Ha! That is fantastic. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas to everyone, enjoy the time with your loved ones!
  16. Thank you guys! Means a lot, looking forward to controlling with you even more now that I have the new cert. Also, DB, I wouldn't mind taking a trip to Disneyland to catch some warm weather. You mind setting me up with some connections for a flight? Ha. Good luck to who's next for their OTS and thanks again to everyone.
  17. Congrats KZ! Fantastic job, you certainly deserved it. Hopefully I'll be able to join you soon and we can get some hours in during peak times! Have fun, congrats again,
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Although I'm fairly new, I can tell you that what I have experienced so far from the ARTCC members has been fantastic. I can already tell this is a great group of people and I'm looking forward to my future experiences with ZBW. Enjoy the time with family and friends, and of course eat as much as possible! See you on the scopes,
  19. Thank you sir! I'll be sure to get over to the PVD cab ASAP, certainly don't want those beverages to go to waste.