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Alec Liberman

Air Traffic Controllers
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Everything posted by Alec Liberman

  1. yikes, that title is bad... Please join me in congratulating @Adam Elcock (EK) on completing his full Boston Ground OTS today! He forged his way through improper routing, altitudes, helicopters, VFR departures, arrivals, and more. Well done, Adam! I look forward to seeing you in the Tower soon.
  2. Congratulations to Zach Garcia (GC) for passing his S1 OTS this afternoon and achieving his Class C Ground certification! Zach pushed through the many scenarios, problems, and flight plan mis-files with no issue. Great job, Zach! Looking forward to seeing you at Boston soon!
  3. Congratulations to Jackson Choran (JC) on passing his S1 OTS and becoming BVA's newest certified Class C/D Ground controller! He worked a number of VFR, IFR, and special request departures, exhibiting competency and excellency. Congrats on your new cert, and start getting that network experience!
  4. Shoutout to Will Stewart (ST) for not only making the title easy to come up with, but for passing his S1 OTS! ST was a BVA S3 quite a while ago and has recently restarted his controlling. He passed through training quickly and knocked it out of the park. Great job, ST!
  5. Join me in congratulating Evan Bowen (EB) for passing his S1 OTS! Evan did a great job at Portland, amending all sorts of routes and working all flights with ease. Great job, EB! I'm sure we'll see you at Boston soon.
  6. Congrats to Bradley Dill (DL) for passing his S1 OTS this afternoon! DL worked a lot of airplanes at Portland, kept his scan up, and performed excellently. Well done and welcome to the scopes! Onward and upward.
  7. Well done, RQ! Fellow controllers - should we make the GUMPS check part of the relief briefing?
  8. I'm not at all SRprised you got it. Well done!
  9. Well done, PD! I'm Pretty Damn sure we're lucky to have you on board. Perhaps Departures will see that you're around and... yeah not sure where I'm going with that.
  10. Thank you very much everyone! It's been a pleasure to work with all of you and this amazing community as a whole. Oh, and keep your eyes open for the next edition of Christmas at ZBW, coming soon to a forum post near you!
  11. Great job, HI! It's been incredible seeing you progress all the way from an S1 to a fully-rated C1. You're an awesome guy to work with and I can't wait to see what you'll accomplish in the future!
  12. Congrats Chris! Don't blow up with excitement over your new position. See you out on the scopes! ...yeah that was a stretch
  13. Awesome, Krikor!!!!! It's been incredible watching you rocket up the ranks here over the last few years. You are an amazing addition to our ARTCC and I am honored to call you my friend. Keep it up! (P.S. I guess you're technically senior to me now :P)
  14. Great job to both of you! I haven't spoken to Brandon much, so I can't comment your experience - but Krikor, boy, oh boy. It has been an immense pleasure watching you control over the past few months. Your persistence and positive outlook on almost everything is something for all of us to learn. I'm really proud of everything you have accomplished. And most importantly - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
  15. Congratulations, Krikor! I am really proud of you. I remember that one night when you were just another pilot flying in and I we started chatting. It's been a huge pleasure watching you cruise though ratings faster than a Concorde (heh, heh). Can't wait to staff up adjacent sectors with you. Great job, buddy :D