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Collin Koldoff

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  1. PI, you have done so much for this community over the last 5 years and as a member of your web team you have taught me so much. This ARTCC would not be in the place that it is without everything that you have done. Good luck with your future endeavours!
  2. After I threw everything I had at him, including 4 aircraft in the pattern, a MACE F18, an emergency and a ton of arrivals and departure, I would like to announce our newest S2, @Adam Carter. Great job CR, and good luck!
  3. Welcome to the dark side MO! We have donuts and coffee by the copier
  4. I am happy to announce our newest S2 on the roster. After working a difficult PWM scenario, working the traffic pattern and sequencing VFR arrivals in with the departures and arrivals, Kyle Meskus (MU) will be working class C/D TWR on the network. Congrats MU!
  5. C1 is a great accomplishment and a difficult journey. Great job BI