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Szymon Puzdrowski

Administration Team
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Everything posted by Szymon Puzdrowski

  1. To be fair, you taught me as well ... Now I have someone to blame!
  2. Chris, Thank you for everything you've done for this community and for its members. You're hard working, conscientious and competent, and I'm sure you'll do well in whatever you pursue. I hope to see you around, share this weird hobby with you and get to hear some crazy stories from your flying career Good luck!
  3. Nice! One more person to join the rest of us underlings in messing up Jay's final sequence Congrats!
  4. This is where the real fun begins. Well done!
  5. Nice! This time I'll get to do penalty vectors on ground and you can sequence all the pattern work. Good job.
  6. Controlling on VATSIM will be at your own risk, proceed direct the cab. Welcome to tower KT!
  7. The aforementioned scheduled maintenance has been completed successfully. The forums are available starting 7:30PM.
  8. I did mean September 9th, thanks! I refuse to acknowledge the summer is over
  9. Members, Be advised that the BVA forums will be unavailable on Monday, September 9th 2019 between 1800-2100 local (2200-0100 zulu) for scheduled maintenance. The ATC Hub, Discord and TeamSpeak will not be affected. Please plan accordingly if you need to use any of our resources located on the forums at those times. ~ Your friendly, neighbourhood Webmaster.
  10. Controllers, If you've received your S1 certification after we've transitioned to the new website, you might not be able to access the above page or sign up on it. Should that be the case, please email me ([email protected]) or send me a message on Discord (@szymon should do the trick). This is only a temporary problem while we're working on brand spanking new event module on the new website.
  11. Controllers, If you've received your S1 certification after we've transitioned to the new website, you might not be able to access the above page or sign up on it. Should that be the case, please email me ([email protected]) or send me a message on Discord (@szymon should do the trick). This is only a temporary problem while we're working on brand spanking new event module on the new website.
  12. Spending nights alone with Evan paid off ;D Congrats Austin! Have fun getting yield at by Clif and Jay during FNOs.
  13. Nice work KF! And good timing too, finished right before Josh was headed into a 2 week alcohol induced flight sim extravaganza FlightSimExpo. Welcome to the dark room ;)
  14. Well done, welcome to the team! :)