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Szymon Puzdrowski

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Everything posted by Szymon Puzdrowski

  1. Congrats HS! Good luck with approach, it's a ton of fun!
  2. Congrats Arvid! Good to see great community members being promoted to important roles within the network.
  3. Thanks to all the pilots who flew in and out of Boston last night, as well to all my fellow controllers. This type of traffic quantity I think is why we sit in a chair, unphased, completely wired in for 5+ hours. I was streaming the whole event and here's a time-lapse I've created from my perspective.
  4. Great job HS! I know you were working hard on this the last few days. Welcome to Tower. ???Revive Bradley Tuesdays???
  5. Congrats Vinnie, it’s always really nice working with you on frequency. You have a very warm presence. I’m glad we can now staff up Boston! Onto the Tower.
  6. Wow, that's one sexy timelapse! Great job tonight everyone, there was a ton of traffic and as always I've heard great deal of compliments for the entire team.
  7. Well done DL! Watch out because one night you might just see 10 heli ops and fighter jets around the tower ; >
  8. R Q KIDDING ME?! Sorry I tried ;/ Austin, you put the most amount of time of any students I've seen into reading procedures and just studying in general. After putting solid hours with Evan on Tower in the evenings it's great to see you getting certified. Welcome to Boston!
  9. Class C GND, Class B GND Off-Peak, Class B GND On-Peak, Class C TWR, Class C TWR Off-Peak On December 1st, 2016 I've had my first session with BG and since then he got me through all those certs, spending his evening screaming "INITIALIZE YOURSELF" in 19 sessions. Thank you soo much BG!! And of course thank you too all the other controllers who helped me a lot on frequency (especially Evan who always finds time and Bradley Tuesdays crew). Onward and upward :)
  10. This might be the best one soo far from the mentors :D Congrats MO! Tower is a ton of fun especially when it gets busy and you get a rush out of a few aircraft flashing at you. Keep it up!
  11. Fantastic job guys! Great to see you progress and achieve one of the highest levels of competency on VATSIM. That speaks to your dedication and knowledge. Also, huge props to both you and your instructors for busting your ass in the past few weeks to get this done before one of the biggest weekend of events for BVA.
  12. Can't believe nobody went for "You GO girl!!" yet :P Great job GO, see you on Bradley Tuesdays!
  13. Alright, I figured it out. For anybody else having issues: you can't just open the URL they give you on the home page, you have to click "Login" first ... Their redirect to a login page (if you're not logged in) doesn't work.
  14. Damn it RQ look what you did! Now GD has to finish off A90 and start working on his C1 asap. Big congrats! I guess you're not as unlucky as you thought with those sessions because you've passed your OTS very quickly and I'm not surprised that happened seeing how you could basically take over for me last Bradley Tuesday. Seriously great progress, keep it up.
  15. Welcome to the team GR! It's not easy to pass an OTS with Evan, congrats.
  16. Awesome GD, big congrats!! I will see you at the next Bradley Tuesday!
  17. BVA Email Account Setup Instructions In step 5 of Setting Up Your Signature there's a link to "email signature creation tool" which links to the old domain.
  18. This was a fantastic event and it was great to see almost all of the US lit up with ATC. God damn it ZME and ZMA. I was taking screenshots of the map and snapshots of the VATSIM Data Server, so here is the most I was able to "catch": Controllers online at 12/06/2017 22:02:18 UTC: ABQ_I_CTR - James Covert (988614) ANC_20_CTR - Jim Rosado (896019) ATL_1_APP - Michael Thomas (1090147) ATL_1_CTR - Donovan Patrick (1327883) ATL_1_TWR - Michael Bertolini (997868) BDL_APP - Daniel Kofman (1202371) BDL_DEL - Benjamin Cook (1322897) BDL_GND - Szymon Puzdrowski (1216832) BDL_TWR - Will Guisbond (1350891) BHM_1_APP - Meg Bruck (1371395) BHM_1_TWR - Lee Rey (1387149) BOI_GND - Keith Brubaker (1359133) BOSVTWR - PRACCOUNT6 (945228) BOS_DEL - Christopher Moyer (1355171) BOS_DEP - Dan Perrone (1331005) BOS_F_APP - Krikor Hajian (1283146) BOS_GND - Austin Kukral (1289967) BOS_N_APP - Brandon Bergna (1299902) BOS_N_CTR - Camden Bruno (1253785) BOS_S_APP - Evan Reiter (1314720) BOS_S_CTR - Chris Olmstead (1182002) BOS_TWR - Clif Whitten (1053496) BUR_APP - Rory Hennessy (1299662) CHI_35_CTR - Dhruv Kalra (878508) CHI_W1_APP - Brin Brody (1354520) CLE_6A_CTR - Kyle Williams (1369574) CLE_I_CTR - Charles Messina (1303148) CLT_1_APP - Alexander Iannuzzi (1332866) CLT_2_GND - Nik Stackpole (1385626) CMH_APP - Tim Mentel (818900) CVG_APP - Russell DeSpain (1292757) CVG_GND - Odin Morris (1387114) CVG_TWR - Trenton Martin (1316014) CYQB_ATIS - Simon Cormier (1097772) CYYZ_APP - Tyson Phillips (1295578) CYYZ_ATIS - Tyson Phillips (1295578) CYYZ_GND - Ayush Gupta (1303489) DC_32_CTR - Matt Bartels (863645) DEN_S_CTR - Scott Klein (1041928) EGJB_GND - Jack Murphy (1280627) EWR_GND - Logan Waldman (1332767) FTW_46_CTR - Clay Brock (1299667) HOU_38_CTR - Cole Connelly (1288238) IAH_GND - Ryan Barnes (1377291) IND_APP - Joe VanMeter (1290675) IND_CTR - David Stone (1043999) IND_TWR - Joseph Jucha (1343412) JAX_10_CTR - Howard Snider (1146612) KATL_ATIS - Michael Thomas (1090147) KBDL_ATIS - Will Guisbond (1350891) KBHM_ATIS - Lee Rey (1387149) KBOS_ATIS - Clifton Whitten (1053496) KBUR_ATIS - Rory Hennessy (1299662) KCLT_ATIS - Alexander Iannuzzi (1332866) KCMH_ATIS - Tim Mentel (818900) KCVG_ATIS - Odin Morris (1387114) KC_41_CTR - Kamren Perkins (1318866) KEWR_ATIS - Logan Waldman (1332767) KIAH_ATIS - Ryan Barnes (1377291) KIND_ATIS - Joe VanMeter (1290675) KJFK_ATIS - Jeremy Peterson (1234727) KLAX_ATIS - Daniel Everman (1240191) KLGA_ATIS - Raphael Weiner (1380876) KMCO_ATIS - Howard Snider (1146612) KMSP_ATIS - Derek Hood (1009078) KMSY_ATIS - Alan Johnston (1366334) KORD_ATIS - Dhruv Kalra (878508) KPDX_ATIS - Jiwoong Yoo (1045639) KPHL_ATIS - Ryan Savara (1369362) KPHX_ATIS - Juan Manuel La Terza (1358609) KSDF_ATIS - michael watkins (1222857) KSEA_ATIS - Frank Miller (1238025) KSTL_ATIS - Davin Perry (1191981) LAX_04_CTR - Daniel Everman (1240191) LAX_GND - Matt Orme (998337) LGA_TWR - Raphael Weiner (1380876) MKJK_CTR - Jaron McIntosh (1041211) MSP_11_CTR - Derek Hood (1009078) MSP_APP - Shane VanHoven (1198462) MSP_TWR - Kyle Weber (839039) MSY_M_TWR - Jason Diket (1209004) MSY_TWR - Alan Johnston (1366334) MTL_CTR - Simon Cormier (1097772) NY_ARD_APP - Brian Reed (1056593) NY_CA1_APP - Ethan Dean (1335097) NY_E_CTR - Andrew Morkunas (1017951) NY_KEN_DEP - Jeremy Peterson (1234727) NY_NWK_DEP - Aidan Sandri (1215108) OAK_CTR - Dominic Nguyen (1200795) ORD_1_GND - Ryan Drozd (1354448) PDX_APP - Jiwoong Yoo (1045639) PHL_NA_APP - Ryan Savara (1369362) PHL_ND_DEP - Charles Taylor (1346650) PHX_A_APP - Juan La Terza (1358609) REG_E_APP - Cameron Bristol (1311602) SBAZ_CTR - Vitor Serret (923492) SBSL_TWR - Alberto Sobrinho (1216145) SDF_APP - michael watkins (1222857) SEA_APP - Frank Miller (1238025) SEA_CTR - Alex Seeberger (1129791) SEA_TWR - Julien Guillory (1327603) SEFG_CTR - Isaac Benitez (1235557) SEGU_ATIS - Isaac Benitez (1235557) SEQM_APP - Gustavo Mercado (1097911) SJU_CTR - Roel Gonzalez (1078721) SLC_GND - Wes Loeffler (1305554) STL_APP - Odinn Tor (1278153) STL_GND - Garrett Yalch (1361874) STL_TWR - Davin Perry (1191981) TH_SUP - Tomas Hansson (840812) TJSJ_ATIS - Roel Gonzalez (1078721) TNCA_ATIS - Barry Theodore (980291) TNCF_CTR - Barry Theodore (980291) VATUSA1 - Don Desfosse (1035677) VATUSA2 - Ira Robinson (1100092) ZFW_MI_OBS - Matthew Miller (1372425) ZHU_SM_OBS - Sam Lambert (1384554) ZKC_BL_OBS - Ben Lawin (1338180) ZKC_TA - Kyle Kaestner (1330148) ZMP_RY_OBS - Robert Young (1217321)
  19. Congrats RQ, welcome to the team and see you in the cab.
  20. Austin!!! Congrats! See you on the scopes.