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Camden Bruno

Administration Team
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Everything posted by Camden Bruno

  1. I will be controlling for the event, however, I reserved a booking so that anyone who wasn't able to book a flight could have one. Give me a shout if you want my booking and we can coordinate the swap. Please only contact me if you're committed to flying - I don't want a booking going to waste. KBOS -> EGCC (Manchester). Departure Time: 12:43:00Z
  2. If I had nickel for every Krikor typo and copy/paste error...[emoji16]
  3. Uh...I’d hope not a new Class C APP controller. Lol Congrats, RQ! Enjoy the new rating.
  4. I can't believe that he got through Wiggins Hell! Congrats, DY - see you on the scopes.
  5. Congrats, Ian! Welcome to Boston. Looking forward to getting to know you. See you on the scopes!
  6. Congrats, NU! Don't be like that Tower controller from the other night who told me I was "Cleared for departure"... Enjoy!
  7. All, I have been very fortunate over the past few years to have served as BVA’s Air Traffic Manager. It has been a very exciting experience, working with my fellow administrators to maintain BVAs tradition of excellence in the area of Air Traffic Control. By working together, we have accomplished a lot. To name a few accomplishments, we successfully certified BVA as a VATSIM Authorized Training Organization in affiliation with our Pilot Ratings Program, and also as a Special Operations Organization in order for our group of military pilots to utilize the network. Additionally, we were officially accepted as a non-profit, 501©(3) organization. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the community itself. Unfortunately, as life has progressed, a variety of factors have made it clear that my time as Air Traffic Manager is coming to a close. The primary reason simply relates to real-world obligations limiting my availability. Therefore, I feel it is best to resign from my position and provide an opportunity for a new, eager, and excited individual to take over. My hope is that this may also spark some new ideas and additional projects within the ARTCC! With that being said, we are now collecting applications for the position of Air Traffic Manager. For who may be interested, please recognize the enormous amount of work, dedication, and passion required in order to fill this position. This is not an entry-level position by any means and requires a significant amount of time. I hope that throughout the past few years I have served you well and left a positive mark in BVA’s history. Please know that I will still most definitely be around, if not more than in the recent past. I hope that resigning from this position allows me more time to fly, control, and continue enjoying this wonderful community. I will continue serving as the Air Traffic Manager until the selection and training process has concluded for my successor. Good luck to those who apply! See you on the scopes or in the sky. Best,
  8. Congrats, HS! You can officially work Skyways at all times of the day ;D
  9. Please join me in congratulating Arvid Hansson (HO) on his promotion to the rating of VATSIM Network Supervisor. As the newest Supervisor that is a BVA Member, if you find yourselves in need of assistance, please find Arvid - he's on call 24/7 ;) :P
  10. Madison, My primary concern with an event of this type that BVA organizes and advertises is it's level of popularity specifically relating to Bonanzas. I think you'd find that a lot of people participated but in a general aviation plane that they like the most. At that point, it essentially becomes one of our GA Fly-In events. For an event this specific, I'd encourage you to work on organizing it yourself. In other words, find other people in the community that enjoy flying Bonanzas as much as you do. Form a group and find a day and time that you all want to have a meet-up/fly-in. Once you've coordinated the details, simply reach out to our Events Coordinator at [email protected] to request ATC staffing. You can use this thread along with the Discord #group-flights channel to try to find others that would be interested in participating. Best,
  11. We are excited to announce the release of the Boston Virtual ARTCC Member Discord! The Member Discord is a social text communication platform for our members. As you may know, BVA also has a Member TeamSpeak server, which is a social interface designed to interact with other members via voice. Generally, members using TeamSpeak are “online”, present, and are actively flying or air traffic controlling. Unlike TeamSpeak, Discord is more of an ongoing chat client. Although Discord does allow voice capability, our Member Discord has been restricted to text-only. Discord is also more mobile-friendly than TeamSpeak. Members are encouraged to join the chat, and to use Discord to ask questions or send messages to admins, friends, etc. when they aren’t connected to the network or around the community. Discord is more of a “group chat” setting that also allows for announcements, targeted questions/answers, and member connectivity. Think of Discord as a modernized, mobile forum board! To read more about Discord and how to get connected, visit the new Social page on our website. Here you will find the server connection information along with the Discord Connection Guide (also available on the Social page). As our Member Discord is new, you may continue to see modifications made to channels, settings, etc. As always, we are open to suggestions and feedback as to what you’d like to see on the Member Discord server. We looking forward to chatting with you!
  12. So he can remember to tell people to put their gear down, but can't remember actually do it when he's the one flying? Congrats, RQ! Great to see you continuing to rise up the certification ladder. Keep it up!
  13. This FNO event is tonight! Talk to you on frequency soon.
  15. ME...I mean you...I mean... IAN, Great work. Talk to you on the landline! Best,