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Cameron Peterson

Administration Team
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Everything posted by Cameron Peterson

  1. Minor Facility Showcase: Bradley Intl. Airport December 16th 8pm-11pm ET [0100-0400z] Timelapses: Bradley Tower, submitted by Nathan R. Bradley Approach, submitted by Cameron P. (West Departure Sector, North Feeder) Statistics: From StatSim. KBDL Arrivals: 94 (average AAR: 13, max AAR: 28). Departures: 62 (average ADR: 5, max AAR: 13).
  2. Christmas Crossfire: MCO-BOS & BOS - MCO December 11th 7pm-11pm ET [2359-0400z] Timelapses: Boston Center, submitted by Nathan R. (High West Split, MCO departures handoffs to ZDC). Boston Approach, submitted by Daniel N. (Final 1 Vector). Boston Approach, submitted by Krikor H. (South Feeder). Boston Tower, submitted by Braden K. (Tower Consolidated). Statistics: From StatSim. KBOS Arrivals: 132 (average AAR: 22, max AAR: 36). Departures: 130 (average ADR: 24, max ADR 41). Simaware:
  3. 60 Hours of Boston Virtual ARTCC November 19, 11am - November 21, 11pm Timelapses: Complete Boston Center Time-lapse, submitted by Szymon P. Statistics: From StatSim. KBOS Total Arrivals: 794. Total Departures: 825. KBDL Total Arrivals: 59. Total Departures: 53.
  4. 60 Hours Kickoff FNO November 19, 7pm-11pm ET Timelapses: Boston Departure, submitted by Daniel N. (Boston Initial Departure). Boston Tower Cab Rotation, submitted by Evan M. (Boston North Ground 121.900, Boston Clearance 121.650, Boston Tower Consolidated 128.800). Boston Tower Cab Rotation, submitted by Braden K. (Boston Tower 128.800, Boston Tower 132.220). Boston Center, submitted by Josh N. (Boston Arrivals via the ROBUC3 arrival from the Southwest). Statistics: From StatSim. KBOS Arrivals: 163 (average AAR: 33, max AAR: 42). Departures: 117 (average ADR: 24, max ADR 32). Simaware:
  5. Congrats Collin! Welcome to the Team!
  6. Cross the Pond Eastbound 2021 October 31, 7am-1:30pm ET Timelapses: Boston Center, submitted by Arvid H. (Primary Boston Departures and overflight merge to the East High altitudes) Boston Center, submitted by Nathan R. (Primary Boston Departures to the East Low altitudes) Boston Approach, submitted by Cameron P. (South Sector of Boston Approach) Boston Ground, submitted by Braden K. (South Ramp of Boston Ground) Statistics: From StatSim. KBOS Departures: 201 (average ADR: 25, max ADR 45). Arrivals: 32. SimAware:
  7. Congrats Mitch. Much deserved and well earned.
  8. Hey members, if you are interested in flying in this year’s Cross the Pond Eastbound, take a look at these steps provided by VATSIM in order to enter for a chance to select a slot time. “[CTP Slot Lottery Announcement!] Demand for participation in CTP outweighs the available capacity of the controllers and airspace. As a result, we choose to limit the number of participants using a slot system. We have made some modifications this time to improve the way people are allocated slots and to help people get slots they want. Only pilots with a slot are able to participate in the event. In order to distribute the slots to pilots we complete the following steps: - Pilots register their interest (available 5th - 11th October 1800 UTC) - The lottery calculates if you have been awarded a slot and your position in the queue - Pilots login after their allocated time and pick a time slot and city pair (being earlier in the lottery gives more chance for the route you want) (available 12th-17th October) After everyone has had some time to select their route, the remaining slots are released to all members (on Monday 18th October). Several factors affect the outcome of the lottery, the most significant of which is your historical interaction with this event. If you have no-showed during a previous event when you held a booking, you will have slightly less chance of getting a slot now. If you applied but did not get a slot last year, you will have a slightly higher chance of getting a slot now. In a change from previous events, you will have to return to the website in the week leading up to the event to reconfirm your intention to fly and to provide important information such as your callsign, maximum assignable flight level and so on. We hope that these changes will ensure as many people can fly for this event as possible and importantly, that as many people with a slot join us for the event. You may now register to be included in the lottery at ctp.vatsim.net If you want to keep up to date with CTP, don’t forget to select the CTP role in the VATSIM discord to see our channels. (Get it via #role-selection)”
  9. Congrats Sam. Huge accomplishment and well deserved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk