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Jamsheed Lovelace

ATC Training Staff
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Everything posted by Jamsheed Lovelace

  1. Congrats to Daniel Nguyen (NN) for passing his Class B Tower OTS! He was able to move airplanes so quickly that they barely had time to not hit each other! Good work, and please keep the radar singing to a minimum.
  2. G'day! Just wanted to make a quick announcement that... CRIKEY! WHAT WAS THAT? Oh my word, it's a rare RadKe! What's he doing? It appears he is moving aircraft at the Boston airport. Sounds like he might be a bit hungry... OI! He almost got me with that reroute! Glad I was ready for that one. What a silly fella. As you can see, we always need to respect wildlife, especially new Boston Ground controllahs. Congrats to Taylor Radke for passing his Class B Ground OTS and earning his Full Certification! Keep up the good work! PS. Sorry, not sorry.
  3. Veering aircraft through the crowded corridors of Boston and guiding them with his lighted wands, Taylor Mock (MK) successfully completed his Class B Ground OTS! He scrambled the aircraft to where they needed to go while kindly creating enough debris to keep the airport ops personnel employed. With him in charge, Boston will be no safer than before... that's a compliment, right? Congrats, MK!
  4. After a couple slow starts, Collin Koldoff (KF) did his best to improve himself every session, and eventually he found the right gear and drove through his Class B Approach OTS successfully! Congrats on becoming another Boston Approach controller, KF, and we hope you don't miss the Tower Cab during events...
  5. Congrats, Brodey! Looking forward to working with you on the overnight shift...
  6. You have done amazing work, Krikor! You can easily find the effects of your work in every aspect of this community, and you have been nothing but helpful and constructive! Thank you for everything you've done, and I'm excited for the next steps you're taking in your professional career. I know you'll still be around, so looking forward to the many crazy days ahead. BVA would be unrecognizable without you, so you're probably stuck with us forever...