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Jamsheed Lovelace

ATC Training Staff
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Everything posted by Jamsheed Lovelace

  1. Congratulations to Cameron Peterson (PS) for passing his OTS and completing his Class B Approach Full Certification! After many days of crossing fingers and wistfully hoping for the best, PS turned the tables and made the airspace his to conquer. Keep pushing yourself to do better each and every day, PS, and keep up the good work! May the vector gods protect your localizers.
  2. We have our newest Class B Tower Full Certificated controller! Braden Kearney (KY) showed every major runway configuration who's boss, and he prevented aircraft from becoming notoriously lost when they exited 4R on Y. The weather was appropriate for the day too; as the freezing rain fell, it only provided more ice for Braden's veins. Congrats, KY! Keep up the good work!